The Fool

So, this marks the start of revealing my labor of love for the past year. I have really enjoyed working on this project, and plan to work on it to build my photography portfolio. The idea behind the pictures was to take real life scenarios and equate them to the meaning of tarot cards. The following excerpts are a modern day take on each tarot card I picked to photograph.

Tarot is something I have gotten in to over the course of a couple of years and I thought it is great place of inspiration to start my photography journey. The imagery on most of the cards, depending on the deck is stunning. To attempt to recreate them on a non-existent budget, would not do them justice. So, I thought of the next best thing. We are always trying to find the modern day equivalence of astrology and zodiac signs, why not also do this with Tarot.

The next several posts will depict the card in question, its meaning and what that card means to me. Like anything else in life art is subjective, and so is tarot. Please take all meanings with a bit leniency. I wasn’t going for the absolute truth behind the cards, but more the truth behind the art and creativity of the photos taken.

The Fool is the start of the journey in the Major arcana. Similar to the minor arcana (the suits — cups, coins, pentacles, and swords) where they tell an over arching story, so too does the major arcana. The Fool is often depicted as a jester in many tarot decks and seen as someone that lacks common sense. That is a common misconception, the Fool is a card about beginnings. It points to the side of you that is spontaneous, excited, naive, and inexperienced.


Derek Dougherty is an old co-worker of mine and he has been very supportive of all of my artistic endeavors. He’s offered to model for me, and given me incentive to work on a big production project involving an interesting story of his. In his spare time he does his own artistic endeavors and even has a podcast you can check out the Dougherty Show here! New reboot to the show to come after the first of the year!

I sincerely hope you enjoy all the photos to come, I had a blast taking them, editing them, and now showcasing them. I will be posting an article on each piece every other day until I run out. Please like and share if you know the model and please feel free to comment and let me know what you think!
