It’s been awhile….

So, who would have thought that this would still be gaining traction after all this time. I am super surprised by how much engagement this blog still gets! With this in mind let me catch you up.

At the end of when you all last saw me, I had just finished my tarot project. I bit off more than I could chew. I was exhausted from a creative perspective and I needed time to recoup. Fast forward a bit covid hits, and I managed to get pregnant. Needlesstosay, my hiatus was warranted. Besides the stress of being pregnant during covid, I left my job to keep myself safe. While I had extra time on my hands, creativity wasn’t in the cards for me.

Now, after a rather crazy birth, my daughter is here and I don’t have too much extra time on my hands. Full time mom, but I have felt the urge to share my talents and experiences with people. I’ve decided to open a shop of sorts. I will be using my background to give tarot readings publicly now, and I will also be providing witchy trinkets and potions for customers to buy.

Giving birth has given me a new perspective on things, and coming in to this mother phase of my spiritual journey I realize I have things to offer others. Counsel, readings, unique items are what I want to try and do going forward. We will have to see if there is any type of traction, but I decided I need to try.

So shameless plug time. I am giving tarot readings through fiverr:

Unknown Wild Tarot Deck

I plan to be back and update whoever is on here, watching and reading. But for now that’s how you can reach me and test out my skills. Hopefully items for the shop will be up soon!

Thanks for reading!

What you give Power to Defines You

I had a few responses on my latest post wanting to know more about my spirituality. Before we hit the ground running with some of that, let’s ease in to it. The basis of everything spiritual I do is inherently psychological. However, my mind set is quite a bit different from your average life coach.

From the time you wake in the morning from the time you go to bed, intent is everything. What you get done is, of course, based on your will power for that day but by setting an intention every day it helps get more done. At least for me it has. This is A lot easier said than done, though. Often times, I have so much to do I jumble my thoughts and never set an intention. On the days, that I do set my intention and reach my goal it is very fulfilling. And that is the basis for my spirituality. You manifest what you set your mind to for that day.


So, it has become very clear lately that what you give power to defines who you are. Someone recently said to me, what makes someone angry can tell you a lot about them. And this is very true, there is so much raw power in anger, and once we put our mind behind thinking we are mad or angry at someone or something we didn’t stop to realize that this was helping shape our mind set and outlook for that moment and sometimes for that whole day. What if you molded that energy and used it for something else? Can you imagine how powerful that would be? Re-harnessing is tough though and is something I am personally working on. Usually I get too wrapped up in my emotions I don’t realize to take a breath and try to refocus. We all have our issues.

At the start of the year I made a new year’s resolution to let things bother me less, this was mainly a work goal, as I work in customer service, but it has translated to my every day life in some respects. Does this work every day? No. Not even close but the fact that I take the time to make that intention sometimes makes all the difference. I hope you see a pattern of manifesting and intention here. It will help explain further posts down the line.

Things I also would advise you on when in this mind set realm is that uncomfortable and negative thoughts are a part of who we are. To get rid of them, would do you a disservice. If the negative thought is aiding you in what you are trying to manifest sometimes this is good. You need to differentiate between a wasteful emotion and one that can help you manifest.

For example, being horny. A completely regular emotion some would say a need almost. Now to me, this emotion isn’t negative in the slightest but to many they either shy away from this or outright stow this emotion or impulse away. Well, what can one do with this pent up energy? Sex magick. Not only is there energy but there is combined energy, and if you set an intention while doing your business so much goodness is released in to the

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universe. Think about it, there is a distinct difference between making love and having sex. Making love often has an entirely different mind set to it. You’re involved, you’re connected, and often times absolutely engulfed in emotion. That energy is perfect and rife with potential. Now to just focus it with an intention and imagine what you could manifest. Often for me, I use that energy to continue the good feelings going forward, but you can use it to try and make more money the next day if you want, the more energy released the more likely the outcome will happen.

So, don’t let he gossip at work get you down. Tracey talking about you again? Refocus that energy, put a smile on your face and dive deep in to your work and let it fuel you. After all, you have to fall asleep later that night. You really want to be up thinking about what that bitch Tracey did to you at work? Nobody has time for that.

Se beuno,
