The Elements

Since I was a little girl I have always been obsessed with the Elements. In particular, water, but the idea of the duality of all four acting on their own but also in tandem has always been astonishing to me. Naturally, when I came upon witchcraft this piqued my interest immediately.

To say I’ve had a bit of a love affair with the elements is accurate. I have always been in complete awe of them. Fire for its capacity to completely destroy and create something new out of it. Air to almost completely take your breath away and with it make you forget your worries for a bit. Earth for making me feel so very rooted and grounded while walking barefoot upon it, and lastly water for… everything it encompasses. There isn’t anything about water I do not like, I love to drink it, swim in it, run my hands


through its streams attempting to mold it. I feel most at home while swimming.

Upon starting my journey with witchcraft I had no idea what to do. You are inundated with all types of information some useful, most of it not. The thing that always stood out to me was the capacity to use the elements consistently when working with spells. Pantheons are a big thing when working under the Pagan umbrella, and I just personally have never prescribed to the idea of working with ‘the old Gods’. They aren’t modern in any sense, and more often than not are just a subset or a projection of how an element might manifest itself. For this reason, I felt lost for quite some time trying to get my feet grounded on how I should practice and what I should believe.

Then I came across my favorite Youtube witch Samantha Valens. I watched a lot of videos on how to do this spell, or went so far as to get a whole series of videos about what I should study on my year and a day studying while gearing up to be a full bore witch. Nothing was as informative as Miss Valens’ videos. She was the first person that made me stop and think about the information I was gathering logically.

The most notable thing she would always say in her videos was “What does this mean to you?” When you hold that crystal in your hands does it actually seem to promote wealth and prosperity or do you just believe that because its what you’ve been told over and over again. So her instructions in one of her videos was to sit with a crystal…. or with whatever deity you may want to work with and write down how it made YOU feel. Not what its supposed to make you feel based off a Pinterest post but what feelings were illicited when you attempted to work with said object or person. She used the Elements as an example, and I thought that was an awesome idea.

Meditation is probably the single most important thing in this day and age, and I will more than likely write an entire post on just that, but I cannot express to you how important it is to clear your mind regularly and just work on a singular thing. We are so inundated with chaos of every day life that taking time to breathe and release energy, or do energy work, or in this example work with the elements cannot be understated.

My little soapbox rant aside, I decided to do as she instructed. Instead of using a regular guided meditation I instead found either the sounds of a camp fire or crashing waves, and I worked independently with each element. When I say ‘work’ I mean you meditate and just open yourself up to whatever comes to your mind. What followed were some of the single most profound experiences I have probably ever had.

Each one of these elements came to me as beings, in some form or another. Fire being the most prominent of the bunch. What was initially meant to be a 10-15 minute session with each soon turned in to a 30 to 45 minute session with pages and pages written about these experiences. I realize a lot of this can be made in to being something strictly made up… imaginary if you will and maybe that is the case, but when I say that I felt completed in some sense, you cannot mistake that feeling, ever. If you have never felt that, then you will not know what I am talking about but that is how I felt when working with these elements.


Air, was unfortunately, the most evasive of the elements for me. Didn’t care to show herself and came to me more as fleeting images (seems kind of typical now that I am writing about it). I love windy days, and I feel like because I cannot mimic the environment she puts herself in, she didn’t care to manifest and show herself to me completely. I did write down plenty of ways that I felt in the moment listening to trees rustle in the wind. The interesting points in my notes being memories, losing control, speech and communication. They are interesting to me because they are opposite of what you would normally see on a sheet about ‘Air’.

Next was Fire and was one of the most incredible things that happened while doing this type of exercise. Again, I prompted my meditation with the sounds of a campfire and what ensued after that was nothing short of a wild ride. I was met with a very interesting looking man, he was dapper, well-dressed and charming. He reminded me of the Shadow man from Princess and the Frog. His presence was very prominent and it was if he was showing me around. It was an amazing experience, and one that I did not expect to have considering that Fire has never really been my affinity, or so I thought. If Fire has taught me anything its that he has my back.

I then worked with Water. Again, this was a fainted image of a person, but it was more in an animal form. My spirit animal, well my main one, is the dolphin (to no great surprise, considering I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was 9). The presence came more to me in that form and we took more of an adventure then worked on what Water meant to me. This makes sense considering I know what Water means to me, but I will say there are still some things that seem out of line than what you would normally what on ‘what does water as an element mean’ page. Those things were sleep, respect, and time.

And lastly, I worked with Earth. This was probably the next profound experience I have


ever had to date when it comes to meditation. When I worked with Earth I used the sounds of animals on a hike and others things of that nature it was nothing short of like rocking my foundation. I wrote the most notes on this one and I felt directly connected with Earth when writing about it, more so than the other elements. I had a full-bore break down. I started weeping and sobbing to the point of it almost being uncontrollable. The Earth cries out, because we are killing it, and all I had to do was tap in to that once to feel it. I cannot tell you how mind altering of an experience it was, words don’t describe it.. I am not the type of person to just sob at essentially nothing and I pretty much lost it. The thing to take away from that experience wasn’t what described it, or ‘who’ it came to me as, it was almost a calling from Earth itself to put me on the right path.

These were my first initial experiences ‘working’ with the elements. Since then I have incorporated certain aspects of them in my magic and I can tell you they work better for me than any ‘old god’. They are the Old Gods…. they are consistently something we encounter every day and the more time we spend with them, specifically myself, the more at peace I am.

My Belief System

Since my previous post, Falling out of the Broom Closet I have had some people ask, “What do you believe?” Well I think now is that time where we dive in to that. For those of you that have not read/have no desire to read my other post I am Pagan… more specifically a Witch. My path and beliefs have changed drastically since I started practicing and reading up on Paganism back in 2014, so let’s begin there.



  1. a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian religion.
    “converts from paganism to Christianity”
    • a modern religious movement incorporating beliefs or practices from outside the main world religions, especially nature worship.
      “modern paganism includes a respect for mother earth”

The most notable portion of that definition is the part about nature. Paganism at its core is a nature based religion. It is not satanic in any way shape or form. In fact, we don’t believe in a heaven or a hell but we’ll get more in to that in a bit. Paganism is like Christianity in that it is the umbrella term for everything within. While I am a Pagan I am also a witch. This would be what I would call the ‘denomination’ that people are accustomed to within Christianity.

What is my belief on how the world came to be? Well, while our world view is quite different than the average person we still believe (specifically myself) heavily in scientific and researched based evidence. The Big bang would be how I would view this world coming in to existence, and from there life begins on Earth. But from here on out, things within our belief system (again, particularly mine) is very old worldly. Think old greek and roman mythos.

You have the Sun and the Moon that play a big role in Pagan beliefs, as well as the elements. My personal journey has these six things as my deities, with Spirit chiming in, as well. Spirit being your own deity the ‘voice within’ so to speak. Other people within Paganism, particularly Wicca and witches believe in pantheons. The pantheons are like ‘the old gods’ — Odin, Freya, Anubis, Brigit, Neptune, Yemaya are just a few from the mediumdifferent available pantheons. Now while I do not currently worship any old gods, that is not to say I have not used them in my practice and spell work. I personally do not ‘vibe’ with the old world deities and for that reason have not pursued relationships with them.

So, to recap —

God = Father Sun / Mother Moon (Spirit)

Disciples = Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Spirit

Different books within the Bible = Persephone, Hekate, Morrigan (old world gods)

That’s kind of how I view my ideas of my ‘gods’ to give you a very watered down conversion.

The next thing on the list is of course, afterlife. Where do I go when I die? I personally believe back in to the Earth. Think… Avatar when Sigourney Weaver’s character is dying. They hook her up to the earth in attempts to save her, and she doesn’t quite make it. Her essence and being then seeps in to the Earth and becomes one with it. That’s how I see it. Because of this, I have often contemplated  having my ashes put in to a tree that would be planted, or in an underwater graveyard. (Water is my personal affinity)

A lot of my cohorts would tell you they believe in reincarnation, I personally have never come across anything in my life to back this up. I am a firm believer in feeling and seeing something with my own two eyes when it comes to my spiritual beliefs. I haven’t encountered anything, personally, that makes me vibe with the idea of reincarnation. This could always change, though. As unlike many other religions, our belief system can be ever changing.

As I said before though, to us there is no heaven and hell. There is no devil or omnipotent god. So in no way shape or form are we satanic in any capacity. All of that derogatory talk comes from media and old school bias/rumors.

What kind of ethics and morals are involved with a nature based religion? Well, just like every other major religion we have some things we live by. The saying, “Harm none and do what ye will” is a hallmark of Wicca (‘denomination’ of Paganism). This means that we are allowed to do what we want so long as we are not harming anyone. I personally don’t adhere to this myself, always (more on that later), but I can say that on the whole I try to abide by it. There is also the three fold law, within Wicca. Whatever you do will come back to you three times (physically, emotionally, spiritually). The idea behind this being that if you want to hex someone or curse them you better be ready for the repercussions because they will come back at you with a

These moral ideals are seen more in the sect of Wiccan our culture. While this is all well and good, I am not Wiccan, I am a witch, and witches… well they tend to mesh a bit in grey areas. So, Wicca to me, is more of your staunch religious ideology for practicing Paganism. It is set up the most like a religion… It has a moral/ethics code. It has very specific beliefs on how to do spell work when to do spell work, the wheel of the year (witchy holiday calendar). Witches and witchcraft are not and do not have to prescribe to this because our path is less religious and more spiritual. It’s why figuring out what you believe in the first place is so damn confusing. While it is nice to take and leave things that do not adhere to your belief system it also makes it difficult what to pick and choose. That’s why I keep saying it’s about what you ‘vibe’ with, so to to speak.

But don’t you believe in magic? Don’t you do spells as well? Why yes, of course. We spell it magick as it is the practice or witchcraft and not stage magic. Think of a spell much like a funeral rite done at a catholic church… it’s a very involved process when a catholic dies. We sing here, have scriptures there. A lot of pomp and circumstance with all the bells and whistles. Depending upon how you wish to do your magick it could be simple as a prayer or as something complex as funeral rites. Regardless, it is all about intention and working with your mind to enhance your ability to achieve your goals.

Magick at its core is very psychological. Working within your mind, meditating, chakra healing, grounding and centering these are all very mind based. If you don’t give

How magick works

something power within your mind (i.e. not thinking about it) it has no power over you. Same goes with spellwork. We harness our energy, cast our circles and recite our spells. In my experience however, I do not require a whole altar, calling the corners, etc. I build up my energy on my own and send the energy in to where it is going, whether that be an item, another person, or myself. This makes it possible for me to do magick on the go, and where ever I might be. Someone harassing me at work? Working my energy up and shielding myself is always a good idea. It makes practical use of every day magick possible.

My personal motto in all of this is that magick and witchcraft is a means to an end. It is essentially getting your mind ripened to be ready for change, or ready for something new, or keeping you going on your current path. It mentally prepares you to take on certain situations that you might not have previously been able to handle. The mind is a powerful thing, and also a simplistic thing at the same time. Sometimes it is as simple as doing a ritual for wealth to really give yourself that push to finish up that paper work early, or take that extra bar guest at the end of the night.

Overall, my belief system is no different than most that pray and go to church. I can go to church at any time, worship, sign, pray, and set my intentions whenever. It’s just my ‘gods’ are different than yours and my church is outside. We are inherently creatures of the earth, and at the end of it all that’s where we get called back to. I just hope in my short time here I make a decent impact on my surroundings and maybe help someone else out by giving an outline of what I believe as an eclectic witch.

More coming soon,
